Character Database Sign Up

Please provide your information for signup.

This information is needed to keep your characters safe. Only you will be able to change your characters if you provide your user name and password.

User Names and Email Addresses MUST be unique.

First & Last Name:
Identify you as the character owner in the character list.

User Name & Password:
Allow you to log into the site.

Email Address & Secret Question/Answer:
Will allow you to log into the site if you provide the right email address and answer your secret question with your secret answer.
Useful if you have forgotten your user name and/or password.

Note: You are not required to provide your email address or a secret question/answer. But they are a useful backup should you lose or forget your username and/or password.

Complete These Fields:
First Name:  
Last Name:  
User Name:  
Retype Password:  
Email Address:  
Secret Question:  
Secret Answer: