
Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Sorcerer Changeling Chaotic Good
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
7 M 21 Female
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
5'4" 125 Green Blonde

STR 8 -1
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 17 +3
WSD 10 0
CHA 17 +3
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
23 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
3 3 0 30
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
18 10 5 0 3 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
0 +3 -1 0 -2
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+6 +3 +3 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT +3 +2 +1 0 0
REFL +5 +2 +3 0 0
WILL +5 +5 0 0 0

Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Light Crossbow +1 +7 1d8 19-20/x2 80 4 lbs. Medium Piercing Quiver: Crossbow bolts (30) 3gp.
Dagger +0 1d4 19-20/x2 10 ft. .5 lbs. Small P or S 22gp. Silvered dagger. Acts as a focus for Persistant Blade. Nim picks her teeth with it.

Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Chain Shirt +1 Light +4 - +6 - 30 12.5 lbs 5100gp. Mithril, Twilight

Feats & Special Abilities
Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Racial Traits Medium Humanoid(shapechanger sub-type); base speed: 30 ft; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep and charm effects; may take the form of any medium sized race, +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks when doing so; Natural Linguist: Speak Language is a class skill for any class taken; +2 racial bonus on bluff, intimidate, and sense motive checks; Favored Class: rogue.
Noncombatant (flaw) You take a -2 penalty on all melee attack rolls.
Self-Reliance You receive one extra skill point every level, starting with the level at which you take this feat. You spend extra skill points in the same way as those received each level for your class, and may not purchase more ranks in a skill than your normal maximum rank in that skill. You do not retroactively gain skill points for previous levels. (Taken at 1st level) [ch 4, pg 11 PS campaign fan book]
Racial Emulation When you use your minor change shape ability to assume the form of a humanoid creature, you can also emulate any of that humanoid's subtypes. Though you do not gain any of the humanoid's traits, you are considered to be a member of that race for all other purposes (allowing you to use magic items or spells keyed to race, for example). You can also ignore the normal penalty on Disguise checks when disguising yourself as a different race (see the Disguise skill description, page 72 of the Player's Handbook). You can only emulate one race at a time, and you always retain the shapechanger subtype. [Races of Eberron]
Improved Minor Shapechange Your Minor Shapechange racial ability is based on the Alter Self spell instead of Disguise Self. As with the standard ability, you are unable to change your equipment with you, but otherwise you are able to duplicate the spell's effect. [Races of Eberron]
Persona Immersion While under the effect of your minor change shape ability, if you make a successful save against a divination spell or telepathic psionic power of 3rd level or lower, you can generate a misleading result. Though you don't learn the precise spell or power being used against you, you know what type of information is sought and can respond accordingly. For example, a character with this feat who successfully saves against detect thoughts knows that his surface thoughts are being probed, and can thus supply any specifi c thoughts that he wishes to be detected by the caster. [Races of Eberron]
Languages Known Planar Trade; Rhebus; Bariur; Abyssal; Auran; Sylvan; Infernal; Celestial; Fiendish; Terran; Eladrin; Daemon; Modron; Asura; Slaad
Familiar Snake; +3 to Bluff checks; HD: 7; HP: 11; Attack +6; AC: 21 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 18; Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.; Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +6; Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +15, Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +5; alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master, speak with animals of its kind;

Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Bluff Cha 18 3 10 5
Concentration Con 11 1 10
Spellcraft Int 9 3 6
Speak Language Int 3 10
Disguise Cha 13 3 10
Knowledge(Planes of Chaos) Int 8 3 5
Craft(Drawing) Int 8 3 5
Perform(Oratory) Cha 7 3 4

Spell List
Name Level Ready? Count Cast Time Range Save Description/Effect
Acid Splash 0 yes V,S 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Successful ranged touch attack deals 1d3 damage
Daze 0 yes V,S,M 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl Will Duration: 1 round. Affected humanoid creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice takes no actions. No AC penalty.
Ghost Sound 0 yes V,S,M 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl Will Lasts 1 round/lvl. Can produce as much noise as four normal humans per caster level (max 20).
Light 0 yes V,M 1 standard Touch None 10 min/lvl. Light in 20ft radius, dim for another 20ft.
Mage Hand 0 yes V,S 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Duration: Concentration. As move action, can move an object 15' in any direction.
Open/Close 0 yes V,S,F 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl Will Can only open and close things weighing 30 pounds or less.
Prestidigitation 0 yes V,S 1 standard
Magic Missile 1 yes V,S 1 standard 100+10/lvl None Unerring. Deals 1d4+1 force. 4 missiles at 7th level.
Persistant Blade 1 yes V,S,F 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Duration: 1 round/level. Force blade that flies at 40'(perfect). In the round the spell is cast, attacks any target within its range. Attacks once on your turn, w/ your BAB+1/2 your Cha mod. 1d4 damage (19–20/x2). Can flank with allies. Can strike ethereal and incorporeal. Blade can't be attacked. Standard action to switch the blade to a new target. Subject to SR on first attack. If resisted, spell is dispelled. [Spell Compendium pg 154]
Portal Beacon 1 yes V,S 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Duration: 1 hour/level. Magic gate or portal sends out mental beacon for up to six creatures. Individuals must be known to you but need not be present when spell is cast. Creatures know the direction and distance to the portal for the spell’s duration. Moving to a plane other than the two connected by the portal ends the spell for that creature but leaves it intact for others. [Spell Compendium pg 161]
Serene Visage 1 yes V,S 1 standard Personal Duration: 1 min./level. Simple illusions aid your attempts to be persuasive. You gain an insight bonus equal to one-half your caster level (maximum +10) on Bluff checks. [Spell Compendium pg 182]
Shield 1 yes V,S 1 standard Personal Duration: 1 min/level. Negates magic missiles. +4 shield bonus to AC. Applies to incorporeal attacks. Can't be used for cover.
Create Magic Tattoo 2 yes VSMF 10 minutes Touch None Creates a single magic tattoo that lasts 24 hours. Must possess artistic talent to sketch the tattoo (at least 1 rank of Craft (drawing/painting/calligraphy) or a similar). Requires a successful Craft check. DC varies with the kind of tattoo: 3rd- to 6th-level caster, you can inscribe one of the following tattoo effects w/ (Craft DC 10): +2 resistance bonus on one type of saving throw (Fort, Ref, Will); +1 luck bonus on attack rolls; +1 deflection bonus to AC. At 7th to 12th caster level, add the following w/(Craft DC 15): +2 resistance bonus on saving throws; +2 competence bonus on attack rolls. Material Components: Tattoo inks in appropriate colors costing at least 100 gp. Focus: Tattoo needles. [Spell Compendium pg 55]
Distracting Ray 2 yes V,S 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Used in the same manner as a counterspell (as a readied action). On a successful ranged touch attack, if struck spellcaster is in the process of casting a spell, then the target must make a Concentration check to avoid losing the spell. Concentration DC: 17 + spell level of cast spell. Spell Compendium pg. 69
Scorching Ray 2 yes V,S 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl None Subject to SR. Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage. Fire one ray, plus one ray for every four levels beyond 3rd. Current number of rays 2.
Dispel Magic 3 yes V,S 1 standard 100+10/lvl None See spell description.
Ray of Exhaustion 3 yes V,S,M 1 standard 25'+5/2lvl Fort Duration: 1 min./level. Successful ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject is immediately exhausted for the spell’s duration. A successful Fortitude save means the creature is only fatigued.

Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Handy Haversack Back 5 lbs. 2000gp
Unguent of Timelessness (2) Haversack - 300gp. Nim uses this to preserve fresh food while she's on the road.
Arborean Apples (3) Haversack - Pilfered during her time in Arborea. All have been treated with a small measure of the Timeless Unguent.
Eversmoking Bottle Haversack - 5400gp. This is one of Nim's prized possessions.
Adventuring Essetials Haversack - 41gp. Blanket; flint and steel; small steel mirror; tent; waterskin(2); empty vial(10); hammer; piton(10); trail rations(2); spell component pouch.
Costumes and disguises Haversack - 395.1gp Full complement of outfits, except royal. Courtier and noble outfits have the appropriate jewelry. Disguise kit (2). Central pocket of the haversack is basically at capacity with all this. Being able to look like anybody doesn't do Nim any good if she's dressed inappropriately.
Wink Brooch Necklace - 600gp. When activated, this brooch grants you a +2 competence bonus on a single Bluff or Diplomacy check attempted before the end of your turn. This ability functions three times per day. [Magic Item Compendium pg 148]
Alchemist's Glass Haversack 2 lbs 1800 gp. An odd clockwork bottle that Nim picked up in Tradegate, during a short stopover taken by the caravan she had been traveling with. She mostly uses it to make sure the water she drinks is clean.
Tattoo Inks and Needles Haversack - 455 gp. A collection of vials and inks all set in a plain wooden box. The needles she uses are masterwork (+2 Craft bonus). She has enough ink for four castings of Create Tattoo.

Item Location Value Weight Description/Special
Earrings In her ears 100 - A pair of really nice amber and coral earrings Nim was given as a parting gift by Dennij the "Exiled Prince".
Jade In boot 60 - Eats Rats always reminded Nim: "For it's foot one uncomfortable only!"
Meditation Balls Jacket pocket 150 1 lb A pair of meditation balls carved out of amber and set into an ornate box.
Hair comb In her hair 130 - A decorative comb made out of some sort of exotic wood that looks fiery and traced with fine gold-work. Nim's taken to wearing the comb in her hair to keep her hair from flying all over the place.
Coins and gems Belt pouch 110 1 Random assortment of coins and a few small gems (lapis lazuli and obsidian).

No Experience Assigned.

In her natural form, Nim is an unassuming changeling with pale blonde hair. Her face always seems to be on the verge of sadness.

In her human form, Nim appears to be a pretty happy human girl, with pale skin and bright blonde hair. Her green eyes seem to be just a touch too large for her face, making her seem more innocent than she probably is in reality.

Despite growing up on the streets of perhaps the most jaded city in the multiverse, Nim still manages to carry an air of wide-eyed innocence and wonder.

Nim grew up in the Market Ward in Sigil as a somewhat distant child of a displaced enclave of other changelings from some prime or another. She got along with her family and the other members of the enclave well enough, but never really connected with anybody. When she got old enough, she went off by herself into the city and lost herself amongst the people, becoming just another face in a crowd. It was at this time that she first started imitating others. She lived a number of years this way, just barely skating around the fringes of society. Though she freely took what rightfully belonged to others in order to feed herself, she always felt bad afterwards did what she could to compensate them for their loss. Fresh paint on their house, a poem slipped under a front door, extra food left at the back door. None of that mattered to the members of the (now exiled) Harmonium, with whom she had a growing reputation.

One day, during a foray into the heart of the market, she encountered a Xaositect Bariur who went by the name Eats Rats. Most passers-by ignored him, his offensive smell and his incoherent rants, but for some reason she was fascinated by him. There was something about his ravings that spoke to her in a way that nothing else had. When she finally worked up the nerve to approach him, she did her best to look exactly like him (sans his hindquarters, naturally). Upon seeing his doppleganger approach, Eats Rats broke out into laughter. They struck up an instant friendship, something she had never really had before.

It was from Rats that she came to understand how, far from just scraping by how she had been, she was capable of using her talents to live a better life and to help the people whose lives she lived. That she could leave people confused and better off for their troubles delighted her to no end.

As the months passed, Nim discovered that far from the insane and vagrant facade that Rats put up to the rest of the Cagers, he was instead a rather canny blood who had spent a number of years adventuring throughout the chaotic side of the Great Wheel. She spent a great many hours listening to his tales and voiced an interest in trying to follow in his footsteps.

"You might be able get by well enough here in the Cage by mushing your face about and tricking people, but out there? Out there, you gotta have some real talents," he said. "So let's get you an education, shall we?"

Shortly thereafter the two of them - Nim, with the clothes on her back and a pack full of personal effects and Eats Rats in a set of shining plate armor - set off for Ysgard. Rats tracked down some of his old cohorts and presented them with Nim. After much poking (from them) and squeaking (from her), it was discovered that she didn't have much of a talent for martial arts, but she did have a natural flair for magic.

During the next three years, she honed her innate magical abilities in the company of different adventuring groups. Each time she went under an assumed name and appearance. Of significance:

- A month and a half in the Elemental Plane of Air, learning how to fly and making friends with an Ooze Genasi named Dennij. After revealing her true self to him, he confided/claimed to be an exiled prince and invited her to stay at his palace should he ever manage to regain his position.
- Four unfortunate days in the Paraelemental Plane of Smoke, where she and her three companions – a pair of elvish twins and a human - managed to raise the ire of a belker calling itself Ash-Minder and a visiting troop of Khaasta. One of the Khaasta saw through her disguise and named her. Scared, Nim fled and left her companions to their fate.
- Two odd weeks in Pandemonium, alternating between running for her life from the inhabitants to trying to have meaningful conversations with them.
- Three months trying to take in the sights of Arborea despite being in the company of a series of clueless adventurers more interested in their search for lost ruins in the wilderness or temples dedicated to Yadda-Yadda or Awesomegod the Drunk or whoever.
- Three whole days of wretched torture as a caravan guard in that hell known as Arcadia. During the trade negotiations, she was allowed to spend her time freely, which she did by running around trying to impersonate different members of the local einheriar. This didn’t impress them and the resulting fires managed to sour the negotiations and drive the entire caravan off-plane.
- A day-long jaunt into the Ethereal to assist a trio of wizards in retrieving some components necessary for some magical items they were crafting. She made quite an impression on them apparently, as they promised to get a hold of her again should they need some assistance.
- A dozen excursions into different Prime worlds, including Oerth and Toril.

Eventually, Nim tracked Rats back down to Sigil, where he was making kip again. Only now, he was going by the name of Johanan and was working as a butler in the Lady’s Ward. That evening, the two of them split a bottle of Arborean wine that Nim had saved for the occasion and she told him all about her exploits. They laughed the night away.