
Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Cleric Dwarf Mt. Celestia Tharmekhul
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
8 Medium 64 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
4'6" 160lb Dark brown Red-brown

STR 12 +1
DEX 15 +2
CON 14 +2
INT 16 +3
WSD 17 +3
CHA 10 +0
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
59 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
+1 +1 +0 20
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
21 10 +10 0 +1 0 0 0 -5

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+6 +6/+1 +1 +1 -2
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+7 +6/+1 +1 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT +8 +6 +2 0 0
REFL +4 +2 +2 0 0
WILL +9 +6 +3 0 0

Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Warhammer +1 1d8+2 x3 - 5lb Medium B Dwarvencraft. Cost, 2612gp.
Sickle +1 1d6+2 x2 - 2lb Medium S Dwarvencraft. Cost, 606gp.

Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Full Plate +2 Fire resistant Heavy +2 -5 +1 N/A 20 50 lbs Dwarvencraft. Cost, 2800gp. Fire Resistant (divine gift!).

Feats & Special Abilities
Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Turn Undead Good cleric class ability. +2 to turning checks from K(religion).
Domain Granted Power: Fire (Su) Turn water creatures; rebuke, command, or bolster fire creatures. 3/day.
Proficiency: Warhammer Granted power of War domain; favored weapon of Tharmekhûl.
Weapon Focus: Warhammer +1 (beyond score listed above) to attacks with warhammer. Granted power of War domain, Tharmekhûl.
Two-Weapon Fighting Starting feat. Rodina's native fighting style uses hammer and sickle.
Helping Hand (3rd level feat; See PSCS.) +1 to Heal checks (included below); +1 caster level for healing spells.
Dwarven racial traits Base land speed 20 ft but maintained under heavy encumbrance, Darkvision 60ft, stonecunning, stability, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs. spell, +1 to attack orcs and goblinoids, +4 to AC vs. giants, +2 to Appraise stone or metal items, +2 to Craft stone or metal items.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Can create magical weapons, armor and shields.

Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Diplomacy Cha +11 +0 9 +2
Heal Wis +13 +3 9 +1
Craft (weaponsmithing) Int +13 +3 10 +0
Knowledge (the planes) Int +13 +3 10 +0
Bluff (cc) Cha +1 +0 1 +0
Sense Motive (cc) Wis +8 +3 5 +0
Knowledge (Religion) Int +8 +3 5 +0

Spell List
Name Level Ready? Count Cast Time Range Save Description/Effect
0-level - no - - - - Usually Detect Magic x2, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance.
1st-level - no - - - - Usually Bless, Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil, Protection from Chaos, Shield of Faith.
2nd-level - no - - - - Usually Augury, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth.
3rd level - no - - - - Usually Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against Evil, Prayer, and Water Breathing.
4th level - no - - - - Usually Dismissal and a blank spell slot.
Choices from Domains - no - - - - Usually Burning Hands (Fire 1), Spiritual Weapon (War 2), Resist Energy (Fire 3), and Wall of Fire (Fire 4).
Daily Allotment - no - - - - These describe Zhegre's typical spell choices on an adventuring day. His daily allotment is 6 orisons, 5 1st-level spells plus a domain spell, 4 2nd-level spells plus a domain spell, 4 3rd-level spells plus a domain spell, and 2 4th-level spells plus a domain spell.

Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Explorer's outfit Worn N/A Free starting outfit.
Handy Haversack Worn(back) 5lbs Cost, 2000gp.
Holy symbol, silver Worn 1 lb Cost, 25gp. A medallion of Tharmekhul's holy symbol: a hammer wreathed in flames.
Belt pouch hip 0.5 lb Cost, 1gp.
healer's kit Haversack - +2 to Heal checks. 10 uses remain. Cost, 50gp. (1 lb when not in haversack.)
Artisan's Outfit Haversack - Spare outfit. Cost, 1gp. (4 lbs when not in haversack.)
Waterskin Haversack - Cost, 1gp. (4 lbs when not in haversack.)
Bedroll Haversack - Cost, 0.1gp. (5 lb when not in haversack.)
Rations, trail (4 days) Haversack - Cost, 2gp. (4 lb when not in haversack.)
Everburning torch Haversack - Cost, 110 gp. (1 lb when not in haversack.)
Soap Haversack - Cost, 0.5gp (1 lb when not in haversack.)
Silk rope, 50' Haversack - Cost, 10gp. (5 lb when not in haversack.)
Climber's kit Haversack - Cost, 80 gp. (5 lbs when not in haversack.)
Vial Haversack - Cost, 1gp. (0.1lb when not in haversack.)
Ink, inkpen, 5 sheets paper Haversack - Cost, 10.1gp.
Flint and steel Pockets - Cost, 1gp.
Holy water Pockets 1 lb Cost, 25gp.
Apartment Sigil - Zhegre's simple apartment in Sigil in the Clerk's Ward. Always paid up for a few months. (15 gp/month, 2 months' deposit, several months advance: say 90gp.) Sundries in apartment include Average lock, masterwork artisan's tools, cleric's vestments, cold weather outfit, spare (standard) warhammer and sickle, and all the basic impedimenta of life (food, furniture, lamps, hygiene items, 10gp in small silver and copper, etc.). Estimate 150gp for these; total cost, 240gp.
Incense, rune tokens Haversack - Focus and material component for Augury spell. Cost, 50gp.
Periapt of Health Worn(amulet) - Treasure from Sunken Temple of Athena.
Holy symbol of Athene, silver Haversack - Treasure from temple of Athene.

Item Location Value Weight Description/Special
8pp, 24gp, 2sp, 10cp belt pouch 104.3gp 0.88lb Remaining wealth. (He gave away 200gp! ^_^ )
4 small gems belt pouch 70gp 0.08lb A small, 40gp polished sphere of jet and three decent (10gp) specimens of lapis lazuli, malachite, and obsidian.
8 munch points Chronias Infinite None Remaining tally of munch points.

Current Next Level
28000 XP 36000 XP

Ruddy from long hours before the forge and planar travels, a sturdy, red-bearded dwarf in an array of battle gear eyes you weighingly. He wears prominently a medallion bearing the holy symbol of Tharmekhûl, a warhammer wreathed in flames.

Notes for GM:

Attribute build notes:
Attribute points: 4/6/4/6/8/4
Munch points spent: 1 in Dex, 1 in Int, 1 in Wis
Racial alteration: +2 Con, -2 Cha.
4th level bump was Int. 8th level bump was Wis.

Zhegre has selected Tharmekhûl's Fire and War domains. He has elected to turn undead and spontaneously cast cure spells. He prays at dawn.
Zhegre's Knowledge (the Planes) specialties are the planes where he has spent the most time away from home: the Plane of Earth, and the Outlands.
Zhegre's languages are Rodinan Common (an accented but understandable dialect of Planar Trade), the Dwarven racial tongue, and Terran (from the dwarf list) and Celestial (from the cleric list) as bonus languages.

"Dwarvencraft" is an upgrade to the "masterwork" descriptor (DC 22) and can be found in Races of Stone or in the web excerpts at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040807a&page=6 . Dwarvencraft weapons cost +600gp, and armor or shields cost +300gp; this includes the cost for making it masterwork, which it also is. In addition, it gains hardness +2, hp +10, and +2 on all saving throws.

The combat stats assume he is wearing his +1 full plate and using both the listed weapons (both have at least +1 to attack, the hammer from magic and the sickle's "magic" from masterwork; the warhammer has a further +1 from Weapon Focus, for +5). If only using the warhammer -- usually because he wants to cast spells -- he attacks at +7 (BAB+4, +1 magic, +1 Str, +1 WF, no -2 penalty). The damage listed for the weapons includes magic bonus and strength bonuses.

Zhegre's a stock-sturdy dwarf with his beard in trim, as they say. He's a chipper crusader who will doubtless end up as a satisfied petitioner on Mt. Celestia some day. He feels strongly about duty -- to clan and race, to god and pantheon, to making the multiverse a better place in general. He has a bit of dwarvish gruffness, but he's always willing to help out a basher in need, and he worries less about payback than Ring-Givers sometimes do. He tries to be slow and careful, with an eye to detail. When battle presses, he strides forward in the inimitable native Rodinan style swinging his hammer and sickle, singing Dwarven songs of the glorious Fatherland:

o/) Nam silu dayot nasha vernost Otchizne. Tak bylo, tak yest i tak budet vsegda! o/)

Zhegre is from Rodina, a colony of dwarven clans that give great weight to the teachings of Tharmekhûl ( http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040807a&page=1 ), the demigod of the dwarven pantheon who assists Moradin at the forge. Rarely accorded much status, this deity teaches humility, helping others, and pride in craftsmanship as opposed to the accumulation of wealth. Rodina puts these ethics to work in society, keeping the colony's resources and many of its industries communal. It's not for all dwarves -- the kids are given a rumspringa at adulthood, to better their education and give them an honest opportunity to evaluate their way of life before choosing to stay a citizen of Rodina -- but many do like it, and the colony is growing through prosperity and immigration.

Not many of Tharmekhûl's clergy go adventuring, but Rodina naturally boasts a surplus of his clerics, more than are needed to tend the forges in Moradin's temples, so they are often the ones Rodina chooses to scout expansion sites and advertise the homeland. Zhegre is one of those clerics, sent to explore, spread the word of Rodina's way of life, and serve as Tharmekhûl may require. It was on this journey that he traveled first to the Inner Planes and later to the Outer, opening his eyes to the wide multiverse. He maintains a correspondence with home via rather expensive post and has been thinking about seriously hunting for a site to colonize, but to be honest, Zhegre's taken a liking to wandering around the planes helping folks out. With that sort of outlook, there always seems to be another quest around the corner: take this Spirelight business, for instance...