
Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Fighter Human NG Apollo
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
10 Medium 30 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
6'2" 220lbs Green Brown

STR 16 +3
DEX 14 +2
CON 13 +1
INT 15 +2
WSD 13 +1
CHA 12 +1
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
78 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
+2 +2 0 20
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
25 10 +10 +3 +2 0 +0 50 -6

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+13 +10/+5 +3 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+12 +10/+5 +2 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT +8 +7 +1 0 0
REFL +5 +3 +2 0 0
WILL +4 +3 +1 0 0

Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
+1 ghost touch adam. Lngswd +1 1d8+1 19-20x2 - 4lb M Slashing Total +2 to attack, since masterwork; bypasses hardness 20 when sundering.
Mwk alch. silver dagger +0 1d4 19-20x2 10ft 1lb M Pi. or Sl. +1 to attack, since masterwork
+1 cmp. longbow (+3 Str) +1 1d8+1 x3 110ft 3lb M Piercing +3 Str bonus added to listed damage; additional +1 to attack since masterwork.
Selection of arrows - - - - - - - Wide selection of arrows; see description.

Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
+2 Adamantine Full Plate Heavy +10 -5 1 35% 20 50lb DR 3/-
+1 Reflecting Hvy steel shield Hvy steel +3 -1 - 15% - 15lb Reflecting: reflective surface, spell turning 1/day

Feats & Special Abilities
Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Endurance +4 to resist nonlethal damage
Blind-Fight Reroll miss chance for concealment
Improved Unarmed Strike Considered armed even when unarmed
Improved Grapple +4 on grapple checks; no attack of opportunity
Improved Critical (Longsword) Threaten critical with longsword on 17-20.
Power Attack Trade attack bonus for damage (up to base attack bonus)
Cleave Extra melee attack after dropping target
Improved Sunder +4 bonus on sunder attempts; no attack of opportunity
Point Blank Shot +1 bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft
Rapid Shot One extra ranged attack each round
Self-Sufficiency +2 to Heal and Survival checks. ("Human racial.")

Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Craft (painting) Int +15 +2 13 +0
Perform(str. instruments) (cc) Cha +4 +1 3 +0
Speak Language (cc) N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A
Spot (cc) Wis +5 +1 4 +0
Heal (cc) Wis +4 +1 1 +2
Survival (cc) Wis +8 +1 5 +2
Knowledge (the planes) (cc) Int +8 +2 6 +0
Jump Str +5 +3 2 +0
Ride Dex +6 +2 4 +0
Swim Str +5 +3 2 +0

Spell List
No Spells Assigned.

Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Troy (Heavy Warhorse) Stable in Sigil -
Military Saddle Troy 40lb Stored in tack room of Troy's stable when not on-duty.
Saddlebags (2) Troy 16lb Stored in tack room of Troy's stable when not on-duty.
Barding (half-plate) Troy 100lb AC +7 for Troy. Stored in *locked* tack room when not on-duty, or saddlebags when traveling.
Handy Haversack Worn(back) 5lbs
Traveler's outfit worn - 5lbs when not worn.
Mwk Artisan's tools (painting) Haversack 5lbs +2 to Craft (painting) checks.
Marvelous Pigments Haversack - See wondrous item description.
Belt pouch (2) Belt 1 lb
Bottle of Air belt pouch - See wondrous item description.
Potion, neutralize poison Haversack -
Potions, cure light wounds (5) Haversack -
Potions, remove paralysis (2) Haversack -
Efficient Quiver Belt 2lb Contains arrow selection and longbow.
Bedroll tied under haversack 5lb
Flint and steel belt pouch -
Lantern, bullseye Haversack 3lb
Oil, 1pt Haversack 1lb
Rations, trail (2 days) Haversack 2lb
Rope, silk (50 ft) Haversack 5lb
Sack Haversack 0.5 lb
Soap Haversack 1 lb
Waterskin belt 4lbs
Whetstone Haversack -
Sunrod Haversack 1 lb
Healer's kit Haversack 1 lb +2 to Heal checks. 10 uses remaining.
Masterwork harp Haversack 3lb +2 to Perform checks.
Explorer's outfit Haversack 8lb Spare outfit.
Arts of War Haversack 3lb Some light reading material for the academically-inclined fighter: a treatise on war and violence as portrayed in art across the planes and Primes, with thoughts on its place in the originating cultures. At 50gp, a fine text for any officer's library.

Item Location Value Weight Description/Special
31gp, 1sp, 8cp belt pouch 31.18gp 0.8lb Coinage on Ptolemy's person.
Goods and Accounts Sigil 4400gp - Troy's remaining assets, invested in his case, some objets d'art, and various letters of account with reputable bankers around Sigil.

Current Next Level
45000 XP 55000 XP

Ptolemy is a broad-shouldered, well-muscled human male of about 30 years. Off-duty, he could be mistaken for a craftsman or an artist, especially if he is relaxing by working with a painting; encountered on duty, he will be bearing an imposing collection of the tools of the soldier's trade.

Ptolemy's starting languages are Common (racial), and Draconic and Celestial (Int bonus); his Speak Language skill has added Elven, Infernal, and Abyssal.

Arrow selection noted above: masterwork cold iron (5); masterwork silver (5); +1 holy, axiomatic, and anarchic (3 each); +1 flaming (5); +1 merciful (5) (total cost, 5058gp)

Ptolemy is quiet and a little socially awkward, retaining a hint of his backcountry roots in his manners and accent despite having resided in Sigil for several years. Still, he smiles readily and is eager to hear and tell stories of strange places in the multiverse. Sometimes surprising people that take him for a brick, he has a quick wit and a broad knowledge of the planes, their peoples, and their languages.

Ptolemy was born in an insular small town on Elysium -- a nice place, off the beaten path and well-protected by the nature of the plane. His bookish inclinations rapidly exhausted the town's supply of educational materials, and his parents shipped him off with the next party of guardinals that passed through town. The guardinals in turn dropped him off at a military academy, where he could get an education and pay his dues enlisting. His wits marked him for the officer ranks, and he spent the next several years in the militias of various Upper Planes, learning about law, chaos, and the struggle against evil in its various forms. His term of service completed, he came back home and spent some time earning his keep and considering his future; he decided he wanted to see more of the multiverse, and set out for Sigil to do just that.

Ptolemy is somewhat intellectually inclined for your typical fighter, but he's still deadly with a longsword. He's also somewhat intellectually inclined for a Cipher, which gives most Sigilians in the know a hint that he's not really looking to rise past namer right now; he signed up mostly because he was familiar with them from his youth on Elysium. He was also never so dedicated to a particular god that he felt the call to paladinhood, but he will avoid hiring out for noticeably shady deals. He has done fairly well for himself despite a certain lack of focus, and is beginning to feel stirrings of desires for a greater guiding force in his life. He is thinking he might join one of the great quests: a crusade against evil, or one of the great mysteries of the multiverse.