Jamal ibn Umar al-Tajar |
Details | |||
Class: | Race: | Alignment: | Deity: |
Ranger/Wizard/Arcane Archer | High Elf | Neutral Good | Najm the Adventurous |
Level: | Size: | Age: | Gender: |
5/2/3 | Medium | 126 | Male |
Height: | Weight: | Eyes: | Hair: |
5'5" | 157 lbs | Brown | Black |
Weapons | ||||||||
Weapon | Bonus | Damage | Critical | Range | Weight | Size | Type | Special |
Double all range increments (220 feet) | ||||||||
Armor | ||||||||
Armor | Type | Bonus | Penalty | Max Dex | % Failure | Speed | Weight | Special |
Mithral Shirt | Light | +4 | 0 | +6 | 10% | 30 | 10 pounds |
Feats & Special Abilities | |
Feat / Ability | Description/Notes |
Point Blank Shot | +1 attack and damage within 30 feet |
Precise Shot | No penalty for firing into melee |
Weapon Focus (longbow) | +1 attack with Longbow |
Dodge | +1 AC vs. one opponent |
Favored Enemy (humanoid[orc]) | +4 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, +4 damage |
Favored enemy (goblinoid) | +2 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, +2 damage |
Track | Bonus ranger feat |
Wild Empathy | May change attitude of animals. 1d20+5 |
Combat Style (archery) | Gain Rapid Shot feat as long as wearing light or no armor |
Endurance | Bonus Ranger feat |
Animal Companion | None picked yet |
Scribe Scroll | |
Summon Familiar | No Familiar summoned as of yet |
Languages | Midani (Zakharan), Common, Elvish, Orcish |
Imbue Arrow +2 | +2 attack and damage with arrows |
Skills | ||||||||
Skill Name | Ability | Skill Mod | = | Ability Mod | + | Ranks | + | Other |
Concentration | CON | +4 | +1 | +3 | ||||
Hide | DEX | +26 | +5 | +11 | +10 | |||
Listen | WIS | +14 | +1 | +11 | +2 | |||
Move Silently | DEX | +26 | +5 | +11 | +10 | |||
Ride | DEX | +16 | +5 | +11 | ||||
Search | INT | +15 | +2 | +11 | +2 | |||
Spellcraft | INT | +7 | +2 | +5 | ||||
Spot | WIS | +14 | +1 | +11 | +2 | |||
Survival | WIS | +12 | +1 | +11 | ||||
Swim | STR | +8 | +8 |
Spell List | |||||||
Name | Level | Ready? | Count | Cast Time | Range | Save | Description/Effect |
Summon Nature's Ally I | Rgr 1 | yes | 1 | 1 round | 35 feet | none | summon a dire rat, eagle, monkey, octopus, owl, porpoise, small viper, or wolf for 5 rounds |
Acid Splash | Wiz 0 | yes | 1 | 1 action | 30 feet | none | ranged touch attack to deal 1d3 acid damage |
Detect Magic | Wiz 0 | yes | 1 | 1 action | 60 feet | none | duration equal to concentration, up to 2 minutes |
Disrupt Undead | Wiz 0 | yes | 1 | 1 action | 30 feet | none | ranged touch attack to deal 1d6 damage to an undead |
Light | Wiz 0 | yes | 1 | 1 action | Touch | none | sheds bright light for 20 feet and dim light another 20. Duration 20 minutes |
Burning Hands | Wiz 1 | yes | 1 | 1 action | 15 ft cone | REF (13) | deals 2d4 damage, save for half |
Expeditious Retreat | Wiz 1 | no | 0 | ||||
Identify | Wiz 1 | no | 0 | ||||
Mount | Wiz 1 | yes | 1 | 1 round | 30 feet | none | Summons a light horse for 4 hours |
Obscuring Mist | Wiz 1 | no | 0 | ||||
Shield | Wiz 1 | no | 0 | ||||
True Strike | Wiz 1 | no | 0 |
Gear | |||
Gear | Location | Weight | Description/Special |
Ring of Protection +2 | Right Ring Finger | +2 AC | |
Bracers of Archery | Forearms | 1 lb | +2 attack with bows, +1 damage within 30 feet |
Quiver of Ehlonna | Belt | - | Carry up to 60 arrows, 18 javelins, 6 bows |
Heward's Handy Haversack | Back (under cloak) | 5 pounds | 2 pockets: 2 cubic feet, 20 pounds main pocket: 8 cubic feet, 80 pounds |
Ioun Stone (Clear Spindle) | Orbiting Head | - | Sustained without food or drink |
Boots of Elvenkind | Feet | 1 lb | +10 Move Silently (brown) |
Cloak of Elvenkind | Back | 1 lb | +10 Hide (brown) |
Bedroll | Haversack | 5 pounds* | Weighs nothing inside sack |
Chalk | Haversack | - | 10 pieces, white |
Rope, Silk | Haversack | 5 pounds* | 50 feet, weighs nothing inside sack |
Spell Component Pouch | Belt | 2 pounds | |
Spellbook | Haversack | 3 pounds* | Weighs nothing inside sack |
Ring of Force Shielding | Left Middle Finger | - | Create shield-sized wall of force attached to arm (+2 AC) |
Aba | body | Traditional desert robe (brown) | |
Agal | head | Cords to hold headpiece on | |
Kheffiyeh | head | Traditional desert headcloth (does not cover face) (brown) |
Treasure/Money | ||||
Item | Location | Value | Weight | Description/Special |
Coins | Haversack | 70 gp | ||
Two pink pearls | Haversack | 100 gp ea | ||
One Black Pearl | Haversack | 500 gp | ||
Three Golden Pearls | Haversack | 100 gp ea | ||
Five Moonstones | Haversack | 50 gp ea |
Experience | |||
No Experience Assigned. |
Description |
No Description Assigned. |
Personality |
Jamal is much like many other Zakharans, particularly those of the Pearl Cities. While he follows the Law of the Loregiver, he is not hidebound by it, as those of the Pantheon are. Trade is nearly as high a law as the Law, and intolerance interferes with trade. Race is considered merely descriptive - elf, dwarf, human, orc are all equal to the eyes of a Zakharan. Despite rumors of common ancestry with the Grand Caliph (whose ancestors do include elves), Jamal dresses quite humbly, which is even more unusual when compared to the lavish garments of most of the inhabitants of the Pearl Cities. Most likely it is due to the need to blend in as a scout. |
Background |
Jamal ibn Umar al-Tajar, as his name suggests, comes from Tajar, the City of Trade. One of the Pearl Cities of Zakhara, it is well known for its status as the main port of call in Zakhara. Jamal served as a young elf in Sheikh Ali al-Hadd's army, fighting as an archer and scout. The wanderlust came upon him, however, and he felt called to take a position as a marine aboard a ship traveling to distant lands. While abroad, he learned a small amount of ajami (foreigner) magic, but is an archer at heart. As with many Zakharan adventurers, he reveres Najm and has already completed his pilgrimage to Huzuz, City of Delights, Jewel of Suq Bay and the Golden Gulf, Center of all Civilization. Great was his fortune to arrive on the Grand Caliph's birthday, for he was fortunate indeed to see Khalil al-Assad al-Zahir, He Who Is Worthy of the Gods, Giant Among Men, Scourge of the Unbeliever, Confidant of Genies. |